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Foto saya
* lebih rela makan baju drpd makan nasi..means that Enci Phopoo lbh rela ngabisisn duit bwt bli bju ktmbg bli makan.. * Senaaang skalski ngunjungin ama eBay,lots of great stuffs in there * Dedengkot SENEN sejati, surga belanja baju2 bgus, i highly recommend u to shop there..ask me 4 a guide if bkal bahas khusus ttg SENEN ntr.. * I let myself spoiled up with all the hollywood glamourity's issue..never get bored on it.. * Bener2 benci sinetron,tp suka skalski Telenovela Betty La Fea, Rosalinda, Maria Belen, Carita de Angel, ama Amigos * Nangis terharu klo nonton sex and the city movie,saking bgusnya baju2nya..seriously * Disiplin bgt soal pola makan,i rarely let myself ate somethin' except water or fruit after 6PM * Senang bgt dress up kl k kampus, don't care what people said about it.. * Pengidap Insom-aktif.. * Bad money management is one of my weakness,can't blame myself for it * Slalu berharap bs jd fashion stylist, jiaaahhh.. :P i'm still working on it.. * Sangat sayang kluarga dan pacar,sampe kadang bingung sendiri mw bagi waktu antara bwt pacar ama family * Berusaha mensyukuri apa yang udah didapat dalam hidup skarang ini...


Rabu, 24 Februari 2010


Clogs diprediksiin jd andalan rumah2 desain papan atas untuk spring season 2010 kali ini.Gw sendiri pertama kali ngeliatnya cukup amaze,first time saw it on TeenVogue. Sedikit kecewa juga,karena baru juga orang indonesia berhasil keluar dari comfort zone mereka untuk belajar sedikit bold dgn ngikutin trend peeptoe heels atau ankle boots,tw2 udah harus dibuat shock dengan keberadaan benda yang namanya clogs!Personal comment terhadap clogs sendiri buat gw yaa sedikit kasar untuk dipakai cewek2..gak tw deh,parts of 'em tuh kayak ada yg kurang enak dilihat dimata,entah dari segi heels, begitu liat TeenVogue kemarin,pandangan gw sedikit berubah.Clogs memang gak bisa dinaikkan ke level Glamour atau Sophisticated, tp untuk masuk ke level Flirty Fun,bisa banget!Dan setelah gw liat lg berbagai macam padu padan orang2 terhadap clogs mereka,aq tarik kesimpulan bahwa it really is somethin' for fun!U can wear it with dazzling socks colour,tutu skirt,even frocks!Tp sekali lg,Indonesia pasti butuh waktu lama bgt untuk beradaptasi dengan eksistensi clogs,bahkan mungkin gak akan terjamahkan,karena gak semua orang dare to be different.dan stereotype indonesia,klo blum ada yg mulaiin,yg lain jg gk bakal pakai.Jadi kita tunggu aja our clogs goddess performance :)

Back again!

Sekian lama dianggurin akhirnya balik juga ngurus ni blog.Gw lg liburan dipontianak skrg,jd pagi bener2 waktu nganggur parah. Browsing bener2 jd alternatif terbaik to kill some time here :) dan akhirnya sekian lama juga gak buka,gw start random search mulai dari Preen,
McQueen, Margiela, dan berujung pada random search sepatu2 lucu dan gw nemu beberapa pilihan yang cukup are some results:

Selasa, 07 April 2009


teman,be aware!legging yg bkal ngtrend kdepanny bkal jauh lbh asoy lg modelny,gak kyk model skrg yg bner2 tkesan cm bs djadiin daleman pribadi SAY NO utk legging yg dipaduin ama kaos biasa yg gak ngcover the whole part of our butt,makes u look like a HO*..!Legging jenis ini gak,perpaduan bhan katun spandek ama bahn kulit semi lak sintetis plus variasi berupa kerutan di pergelangan kaki,atau dilutut bkin this kind of leg jd must have item qt..seems quite nice to wear as a real pants..isn't it??well,qt tgguin aj kpn ni legging msuk ksni ya teman..






Brian Lichtenberg's A/W 09 collection "Human Hair As Evening Wear" (images by Ian Markell) was alarmingly uncohesive - a Rodarte-esque webby knit here, holographic panelling there, his trademark bodycon dresses and leggings scattered about, hoods, some hairy shoes for good measure - then topped off by one or two of Franc Fernandez' headpieces (Lichtenberg's collaborator for two seasons now...). Whilst confusion is still the feeling that prevails in my head, I still can't help but be enamoured with a few select items...namely the velvet panelling on the smokey grey dress, multi-layered sheer leggings, the metal construction on the giant heel. Given that Lichtenberg shows on the less-than-inspiring Mercedes Benz LA fashion week (they say it's struggling a bit... perhaps LA-ites can elaborate), I'd still say he's got the legging-encased legs to take his club kid dramatics to another city.



In the same way that real porn is basically all images and not a lot of chat I present to you Shoe Porn Friday... because our brains our mostly fried by the end of the week and it's a Friday so we deserve to treat ourselves to a no-ties attached visual feast.

Pierre Hardy A/W 09


Olivier Theyskens Coming to New York for Halston?

>> Halston is still looking for a creative director — talks with Roland Mouret didn't pan out, and Marios Schwab was said to be under consideration early last month, but Halston CEO Bonnie Takhar wouldn't confirm anything. Now, rumors from Paris thrust newly-orphaned Olivier Theyskens onto the forefront of the search, which seems an odd match to say the least — an American sportswear brand and a Belgian designer known for making costly, romantic gowns.

But Anna Wintour definitely has setting up Olivier's future on her to-do list, and what better way to keep tabs on his well-being than bringing him stateside for a post? And if Harvey Weinstein still wants to make Halston "the first American global luxury brand, an American LVMH," like he did in 2007, bringing in a closely-watched designer with a French design pedigree could definitely be a good start.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

fashion victim..discredit or give them salutation??

Fashion Victim..
istilah yang psti udah sering qta dengar.. Enci Phopoo prnh jg ngalaminnya, smw org jg psti prnh ngalaminnya, terlepas dari sadar ato gakny org tsb.. Ada beragam respon dari org2 sekitar kl ngliat para pelaku
fashion victim.. ad yg ngetawain, lgsg sbuk ngegosipin, ad yg mandangn dgn pandangan "sapuan ala Manhattan" from head to toe, ad jug yg cuek.. beragam deh.. terkadang Fashion Victim dianggap cocok digelarin ke org2 yg terlalu hebring dandanannya ato mismatch gt pakaiannya, pdhl gelar Fashion Victim jg cocok disandang untuk org2 yg makai bju tnpa mengenali lbh dalam btk tubuh mrka...
Aq sering bgt liat tipe
Fashion Victim kyk gt, walaupun gak bgtu mencolok, tp tetep mnrt aq itu namany Fashion Victim.. Fashion mgkn mmg seruu bgt utk qt ikutin, tp inget, gak smw jenis fashion item fit our body well.. Contoh gampang aj dgn btk tubuh pir kyk gni krg cocok kl make 'it' items yg lg booming skrg ini,HAREM PANTS.. it makes my butt which already big looks bigger with it.. Selaen itu jenis clna kyk gt bkal lbh cocok dpke sama org2 bbadan kurus nan tinggi..
Aq jg srg liat yg nampilin fto2 artis2 hollywood yg bdannya sbnrny bs dbilang agak pendek n sedikit berisi make jenis LONG DRESS kyk Jessica Biel..okaay,u got ur high heels yah ladies 2 cover the height problem, but still, it works less than u expected..bkal lbh bgus kl mrka pke mini dress ato midi dress yg ngetat di bagian pinggang, so it makes their body curve looks much hotter n looks slimmer..just like Lily Allen did..

Aq pribadi lbh milih utk give them salutation, coz they've made an effort to experience with
fashion..butuh nyali besar loh utk itu smw, walaupun hasilnya memang krg bgus, but they didn't commit on a fashion crime, they just need someone to tell them what do's and dont's on their fashion item..

Tips dari aq supaya kehindar dri gelar Fashion Victim:
  1. Jgn terlalu terpengaruh ama majalah fashion yg ada disekitar qt..sometimes they could even made mistakes on styling..
  2. Dri skrg knali btk tubuh kamu bner2
  3. explore more fashion blogs n sites for more info, enlarge ur fashion phrase dictionary by reading some fashion magz and look at some fashion sites..i suggest u to loook at some vintage shop spot, vintage style could neva got more options for different types of body, try to find the unique one for sure
  4. Harus pede, make ur existance awared by people by ur unique style.. Coco Chanel aj diketawain org2 jaman dlu dgn gaya pakaiannya yg unik, skrg she's one of the greatest Fashion Icon
  5. Try to mix 5-6 items a day for some new options of style